From Randy

I know that folks have a range of emotions and feelings that they are experiencing after Tuesday's elections. It has been an exhausting few months and it has been hard to escape the non-stop ads, campaigning, and mud-slinging.
I encourage everyone to take a break from the TV and spend some time outdoors, enjoy nature, listen to the birds, let the sun warm your face. Take a break from all the election coverage and be good to yourself.
As I said on Sunday, sometimes we can get so wrapped up in the political theater that we forget that Jesus really didn't have much time for Caesar Augustus and his minions of the Empire (the politicians and rulers of his day). In fact, Jesus poked the beehive a few too many times and eventually the empire strung him up on the cross and executed him. So always be careful about aligning your identity to politicians—instead align with Jesus and his values of hope, love, justice, and peace.
While we can toss around in our heads the hypotheticals of what could have been, the truth of the matter is that, regardless of who won, our job as Christians was always going to be the same: to follow Jesus and make good trouble as we push, prod and work for a better world for all. So, let's get to work.
With you on the Journey,
Those who have not yet had a picture taken for our online church directory may stop by the photo shoot table in the narthex between 10:15 and 11:10 this Sunday to have one taken. Or email Judy Bischoff to reserve a time. Keep in mind that you can also take your own photo and email it to Amy or Leslie
The first of season Javarita Coffeehouse concert will take place in the sanctuary on Friday, November 15 at 7:00 pm.
The No Label Jug Band is an ensemble of talented musicians and multi-instrumentalists from Tucson performing a repertoire of music drawn from the early 20th century, specifically 78" rpm records. From ragtime and blues, to waltzes and fiddle tunes, the No Label Jug Band curates a fun and entertaining experience. Tix $15
The monthly Taizé Service for November will be in the sanctuary on Thursday November 14, at 5 pm. Taizé is a form of meditative and reflective worship. Candlelight, scripture, silence, contemplative music and song, focus on resting in, and being present to, the Holy that surrounds us. This style of worship offers a respite from the day-to-day intensity of the news and worry of contemporary life. If you would like to know more about Taizé, or if you would like to be part of the leadership of this service (set up, reading, offering a meditation, or more) feel free to contact the Taizé coordinator, Ted Virts, at
Annual Mission Fair Sunday, November 24
We are pleased to announce the Annual Good Shepherd Mission Fair where you will have the opportunity to donate to three organizations that support our neighbors near and far. On the Sundays before the fair: the 3rd, 10th, and 17th, there will be a presentation of each of the organizations during the services. In brief, the three organizations are:
The Amado Youth Center provides amazing opportunities for the Amado community for recreation, meeting, and learning. The focus is on providing youth a meeting place to enjoy, but the center supports the whole community. Youth learn leadership skills, decision making skills, and how to manage peer pressure and manage mistakes.
The Dee and Pres Johnson Probigua Scholarship Fund provides opportunities for Guatemalan students to continue to high school because of scholarships funded by our donations.
Casa de la Misericordia de Todos los Países in Nogales, Sonora provides a safe and positive atmosphere for children, families, and single women who are awaiting interviews to request asylum in the U.S. It is a true community where everyone pitches in to maintain a garden, keep up with repairs, cook delicious and nutritious food, receive spiritual and emotional support, receive health care, and learn new skills. School-aged students attend school within the facility.
Please plan to give as you can and enjoy the fellowship of the fair between the services on November 24!
Registration is open for Common Ground on the Border, January 16-18, 2025
This year’s theme is “From Borders to Belonging: A celebration of commitment, compassion, and community across the US/Mexico borderlands.”
The United States-Mexico borderlands has always been a beautiful mix of culture, language, cuisine, economies, and people. It has also been a place of struggle, high and low temperatures, a fragile environment, and the push and pull of immigration. The Borderlands is the perfect place to explore the arts, touch the culture, and have deeper conversations about the complicated issues that collide here. We hope you will come and explore with us all the possibilities. Registration Link:
Cafe Justo will be sold between services this Sunday November 10 in the narthex! The next sale will be on November 24.
We are moving into a busy time at The Good Shepherd, which means that there are many announcements in the bulletin and before our worship time on Sunday morning. If you have an announcement, let Pastor Randy know before the service. Have it written out and make sure it is 30 seconds or less. It should just mention the bare basics and if people want more information they can speak with you after the worship service. Thank you in advance.
Circle of Friends is back and scheduled for the week of November 10. Please sign up in the narthex to be a host or a guest. If you host, please know that lunch or dinner does not have to be complicated; a frozen entree or pizza will suffice. Your guests will bring the rest. The purpose is for Good Shepherd folks to get to know each other. Please call if you have questions: Florence Mayer 406-459-2749 or Mary Ferland 603-303-9343. Please note, there will not be a Circle of Friends in December.
Come out 4th Annual Amado Chili Cook-Off and Classic Car & Motorcycle Show and have a bowl of chili, and vote for the best one. Proceeds will directly support the Amado Youth Center’s building fund. It’s on Saturday, November 16, from 9 am to 3 pm, at The Amado Territory, I-19 at Exit 48. See the flyer on the bulletin board in the narthex
The Spark Studio has a full calendar of fall/early winter classes including:
Staying in Touch: This is an opportunity for we men to write about what happens in our days and how we experience those days with a slant on spirituality. What about the people who cross our lives and our minds? All that is required is spending some time each session week in guided writing. A four-week session meeting every other Thursday afternoon in Spark Studio, on November 7, 21 and December 5 and 19 from 1:00-2:30 pm. Bring a notebook and writing utensils. Facilitated by Gary Reid. To register, contact Gary at or call/text 530-412-2238. Limited to ten men. Cost is $24.00. Make check payable to The Good Shepherd with Spark Studio class title on memo line.
What’s Your Story? What matters to you? Have a story you’ve been yearning to tell? Maybe a side door story where the outcome was unexpected, or life took a turn? A moment in time that stuck with you? Or second-hand happiness experience when another’s happiness made you happy? Put pen to the page and discover your core stories that mean the most to you. Join this one class session on Wednesday, November 13, 9:00 am-noon in Spark Studio. Capture your stories and enjoy the satisfaction of finally getting started. All you need is a notebook and pen. Facilitated by Gail Frank. To register, contact her at or call/text at 503-801-1238. Limited to ten participants. Cost is $10. Make check payable to The Good Shepherd with Spark Studio class title on memo line.
Creative Hands Fellowship starts on November 1 (tomorrow) at 1 pm in the Studio. Bring your project! It could be knitting, crochet, quilting, weaving, basket making …
Head over to the Spark Studio page to find the full list and details for each event. Come for creativity and community! We look forward to seeing you there!
There are a number of new name tags that need a home. If you ordered a name tag, please check at the at the welcome kiosk in the narthex on Sunday. If it is your first one there is no charge. If you ordered a replacement the charge is $6.00. Envelopes are available at the kiosk in which to put your money and then place in the offering plate. Thank you from the Extravagant Welcome and Inclusion Team.
Those who attend the second service experience connection and community through our non-traditional worship service. We need attendees to volunteer to participate in welcoming both visitors and members and be worship leaders. Please consider these ministry opportunities. I am asking everyone who is able to volunteer once a month for one of these positions. Contact Janet Carter, Second Service Coordinator, or 715-252-6875. A signup sheet is available on the bulletin board in the narthex.
Each August, The Good Shepherd partners with Tucson Interfaith HIV/Aids Network (TIHAN) to help host the POZ Cafe to support our friends dealing with HIV/AIDS. For anyone seeking a way to support our local LGBTQ+ family, becoming our church lead for this event is a lovely way to show compassionate love. The coordinator is responsible for four-one hour online meetings per year for Tihan updates, collecting donations in July 2025 for care packages, and organizing a small volunteer crew for the one-day Poz Cafe in August 2025. For more information contact Doug Syme at
It is a tradition in Romania that families prepare a dinner for friends to honor their loved ones that have gone before them. Julia and Cam Simone would like to share a meal with Good Shepherd friends in honor of Julia's brother who died two years ago. For the date and time, look on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex. It should be a nice evening. A suggested donation is $10.00.

Pastor Randy ( and Pastor ellie ( are available during the week. You may email them set up an appointment for in-person or Zoom meetings.
Office Manager Amy Dillemuth is in the church office Monday through Thursday from 9:30am to 1:30pm. Phone messages or e-mails are still the best way to communicate with the office (email
Ignore Strange Communications from “Pastors”
A fresh round of strange texts, emails, and calls from “pastors” is circulating. Please be vigilant to avoid scams. Pastors and churches all across the country are experiencing being misrepresented in texts, emails, and calls. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to track down and stop these criminals. Please notify Randy, or the Church, if you receive one of these messages. Please also report them as spam to your email or phone provider. And, by all means, never go out and buy gift cards and send codes by text or over e-mail. Pastors will never ask for funds through emails or texts.